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Medhaj A Research and Education Pvt. Ltd. is a company registered under Companies Act 1956,committed to quality and research with ISO 9001-2015 certification for quality assurance. The motive of the company is to bring traditional knowledge of Vedic Astrology, Nadi Astrology and allied subjects together with modern techniques of learning and their implementation to improve your daily routine. With offering expertise in Vedic Astrology, Nadi Astrology and allied subjects and elucidating ways we wish to deliver to our learners, the confidence to stand out in crowd and achieve what they desire. Our team is constantly dedicated to deliver high quality training and education with a stable studying environment to provide equal and fair attention to every learner.

Medhaj A Research and Education Pvt. Ltd. offering 1 year Diploma Course of Astrology, which includes Vedic Astrology and Nadi Astrology. The course is intelligently designed in a format where the study material is greatly simplistic and very easy to comprehend. We shall bring the classroom to your living area! Extremely simple study material in an understandable language and online classes with our experts make learning quite joyous.